Lankford Applauds Supreme Court for Protecting Religious Accommodations at Work

OKLAHOMA CITY – Senator James Lankford (R-OK) today issued the following statement applauding the Supreme Court for unanimously ruling in favor of protecting the right to live out your faith in the workplace in a case where a USPS employee believed he must “[r]ember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy”: 

As we approach our nation’s celebration of independence, one of the many ways we are unique is our commitment to religious liberty which is enshrined in the First Amendment of our US Constitution. Today, the Supreme Court corrected a decades-old misapplication of the rights of employees regarding religious accommodations. Now it is to every employer that Americans can have a faith and live their faith everywhere, including at work.”


Lankford has stood fervently to protect the right for every American to exercise their right to religious liberty, including supporting Coach Joe Kennedy when he was fired from his job as a high school football coach for silently praying after games. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Coach Kennedy in June 2022. Lankford also submitted an amicus brief in the case of 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis, calling for the Supreme Court to review a circuit court decision that prohibits a Colorado business owner from exercising her free speech. 

