Lankford Receives “Taxpayers’ Friend Award” for Standing Up to Irresponsible Federal Spending

OKLAHOMA CITY, OK – Senator James Lankford (R-OK) was recognized by the National Taxpayers Union (NTU) for his votes in strong support of limited government, low taxes, and fiscal responsibility. This year Lankford is one of only six Senators to have earned the “Taxpayers’ Friend Award” for their voting record during the 2022 congressional session.

“Our country is in a debt crisis. Just like my fellow Oklahomans, I am committed to making the difficult choices to keep our budget on track. That is what we were all elected to do. Thank you to the work of the National Taxpayers Union for recognizing the common sense and fiscally responsible spirit of Oklahoma that continues to guide my work on Capitol Hill,” said Lankford.

Lankford remains a leader in the Senate to address our skyrocketing national debt and out-of-control federal spending in order to protect taxpayer dollars. Lankford introduced his Prevent Government Shutdowns Act of 2023, which would take government shutdowns off the table and force Congress to stay in Washington, DC, until their work is done. Earlier this year, he released Volume 7 of his federal waste book, Federal Fumbles: Ways the Federal Government Dropped the Ball, which identifies areas of waste, fraud, and abuse in federal spending and solutions to address them.

“In 2022, Congress once again approved massive and excessive spending bills, while generating legislation like the Inflation Reduction Act that will continue to weigh heavily on taxpayers,” said Brandon Arnold, Executive Vice President of NTU. “In this historically challenging environment, taxpayers should know that Senator Lankford championed sustainable spending levels, a pro-growth tax environment, and limited government. National Taxpayers Union thanks Senator Lankford for his strong fiscal voting record on behalf of the people who pay the government’s bills.”

Since 1979, NTU has annually recognized Representatives and Senators who earn high voting scores to qualify them for the “Taxpayers’ Friend Award.” See NTU’s full 2022 congressional scorecard on their website here

