Lankford Pushes for More Transparency from DHS When Requesting Military Support at the Border

WASHINGTON, DC – Senator James Lankford (R-OK) today introduced a bill to continue to push for a more secure southern border. The bill would require the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to submit a request for assistance (RFA) to the Department of Defense (DOD) in a more timely manner. Furthermore, it would direct DHS to focus its efforts more on capabilities needed for mission support rather than asking for a number of troops. 

“The Biden Administration cannot say one day, ‘the plan is working,’ and then in the next breath quickly move troops to our southern border to help manage the chaos,” said Lankford. “The President is focused on moving people across the border faster, rather than deterring people from crossing the border in the first place. Without question, President Biden’s policies threaten our national security and promote human and drug trafficking. The chaos has to stop.”

Currently, DHS submits RFAs to the DOD with very little time to respond. The nonpartisan Government Accountability Office previously found that DHS does not engage in long-term planning or provide transparency   when it submits RFAs to DOD for either manpower or capabilities. This bill would ensure that DHS develops a long-term planning process in developing and submitting RFAs, so that the requested manpower or capabilities help DHS better secure the southern border, respect taxpayer resources, and do not over burden DOD’s readiness or other missions. 

Lankford continues to push for common-sense solutions to secure the border, including efforts to strengthen Border Patrol and stop human and drug trafficking. Lankford visited the US-Mexico border in Nogales, Arizona earlier this year and recently exposed DHS for cutting down border wall materials. 

