Lankford Joins Fox & Friends, Calls Out White House for Only Joining Border Negotiations Three Days Ago

By: Fox News

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WASHINGTON, DC – Senator James Lankford (R-OK), lead Republican on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Government Operations and Border Management, joined Fox & Friends on Fox News to sound the alarm over the national security crisis at the southern border and push for policy changes to fix it. Amid the Biden Administration’s push to provide further funding for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, Lankford has been clear: we will not pass funding without serious policy that stops the chaos at the border.  


Lankford Calls Out White House For Only Joining Border Negotiations Three Days Ago: The White House didn’t come to the table to actually negotiate until three days ago, is when they actually started negotiating. So we’re making progress at this point. We had yesterday, by the way, 10,781 people that crossed the border illegally yesterday that we know of. Just to give you a perspective on that, the last two months will be higher than any single year under the Obama Administration for the whole year. So in two months, we have more people that are coming in a year during the Obama Administration. This is absolutely spiraling out of control we’ve just said, ‘Hey this is not just Republicans that are saying, this it’s the American people that are saying this.’ We have got to be able to solve this.

