Lankford on America’s Newsroom on Fox News: Democrats Are Finally Realizing the National Security Crisis at the Southern Border


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WASHINGTON, DC – Senator James Lankford (R-OK), lead Republican on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Government Operations and Border Management, joined America’s Newsroom on Fox News to update the American people on the progress he is making to secure our southern border and fix the policy loopholes being exploited by the criminal cartels in Mexico to smuggle people into the interior of the US. Lankford acknowledged that with Democrats now agreeing with his long-held stance that the chaos at the southern border is a national security crisis, the negotiations to fix the policy loopholes in our border security are making real progress.  


Lankford characterizes where negotiations stand thus far We are making real progress on this. We finally have everybody at the table, and everyone admitting that this is a national security crisis that we do have to address. That’s actually progress. That may seem shocking to a lot of viewers, but it’s taken a long time to be able to get to this point, especially thinking about, we had the highest September in history, the highest October in history, the highest November in history, and this will be the highest December in history of any crossings of any time on our southwest border. So this is absolutely spiraling out of control…

