Lankford Opposes Protecting Other Countries National Security Without First Securing Our Own Border

WASHINGTON, DC – Senator James Lankford (R-OK) issued the following statement after the Senate voted on the supplemental appropriations request for aid to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan without any substantial changes to policy that would secure the US-Mexico border from the crisis of illegal border crossers surging across the border. The supplemental funding package passed by a vote of 70 to 29. 

“America must stand with our allies in Ukraine and Israel as they fight against terrorism and aggression, but we should also confront our own national security crisis on the US-Mexico border. Months ago, Republicans agreed to work across the aisle to force as many significant changes as possible to our weak asylum laws and put pressure on the Biden Administration to enforce the law. When the moment of decision finally came, the political conversation suddenly shifted to everything must be addressed on the border or nothing be addressed on the border. In the real world, that means nothing gets fixed on our border. Well over 6,000 illegal migrants crossed the southern border yesterday and they will again today, because nothing changed. 

“As I said in October 2023 when this all began, I believe we should support our allies, but we cannot secure the borders of other nations while ignoring the massive crisis at our own border.”

