Lankford: Congress Needs to Pay Attention to Our Debt, Deficit and Overspending

WASHINGTON, DC – Senator James Lankford (R-OK) today supported a budget resolution to force Congress to actually pay attention to the rising federal debt and deficit that is attributing to our nation’s $30 trillion debt and 8.6 percent inflation. The motion failed by a vote of 29 to 67. 

“Congress needs to pay attention to our federal debt, deficit, and overspending. The reason we face 8.6 percent inflation is because Democrats have chosen to flood the economy with trillions of dollars of federal debt spending without regard for what this will do to our economy and our bottom line,” said Lankford. “The budget resolution on the floor today forces the Senate to work through the budget process, examine the real issues that drive inflation, and stop Congress’s bad spending habits. Congress should have more conversations about our spending, debt, and deficit—not less.”

Lankford has long highlighted Congress’s lack of ability to address the root causes of waste, fraud, abuse, and duplication in order to address our skyrocketing $30 trillion plus national debt and Washington’s constant spending appetite the US can’t afford through his government waste report, Federal Fumbles.  He is consistently highlighting government waste and pushing for solutions to lower our debt and stop overspending in Congress. 

