Lankford Statement on Continuing Resolution

WASHINGTON, DC – Senator James Lankford (R-OK), issued the following statement after voting to support a Continuing Resolution to fund the federal government, averting a government shutdown on October 1:

“Today I voted to support a Continuing Resolution to keep the government operating. This provides certainty for our military, veterans, law enforcement, border personnel, and others who rely on the continuity of essential services. However, we cannot continue down this path. This marks yet another year in which we are voting on stopgap measures rather than doing the serious work of passing appropriations bills.

Majority Leader Schumer has not brought a single appropriations bill to the Senate floor. This failure is deeply concerning. Our national debt continues to grow, and runaway spending remains unchecked because we aren’t taking the time to engage in real debate over how to responsibly manage taxpayer dollars.

While avoiding a government shutdown is critical, it is equally important that we do the hard work of governing. Congress must get back to passing individual appropriations bills to address both the immediate needs of the nation and plan for the future. Kicking the can down the road is not a plan—it’s just hoping nobody notices the mess. Oklahomans deserve better than the uncertainty of last-minute CRs, and I will continue to push for regular order in the Senate.

Sen. Lankford has introduced the Prevent Government Shutdowns Act of 2023, which would take government shutdowns off the table and force Congress to stay in town until their work is done.

