Lankford, Daines Stand for Life During Partisan Budget Debate

WASHINGTON, DC — Senators James Lankford (R-OK) and Steve Daines (R-MT) today introduced several amendments to the Reconciliation Bill to fix provisions to ensure it complies with the long-standing Hyde amendment, which bars the use of federal dollars to pay for abortion. Lankford filed his amendment to apply Hyde-related language to Community Health Centers and health funding and tax extenders. 

Congress has passed five bipartisan bills in the past 12 months related to the COVID-19 pandemic that target relief to those who need it most. All five bills had the normal language that prevents the use of taxpayers’ dollars to pay for abortions,” said Lankford. “But, now Democrats have determined that this partisan COVID bill should direct American tax dollars to abortions. Funding during a pandemic should save lives, not take lives. Abortion funding should not be in a COVID-19 pandemic bill. This shouldn’t be controversial.”

“Hidden in the fine print of the Democrats’ hyper-partisan COVID-19 relief package, is an attempt to prop up Planned Parenthood and force Montana taxpayers to fund abortion,” said Daines. “We’ve had five bipartisan COVID relief packages and not one of them included any provisions that would undermine pro-life protections. This package should not be any different.”  

Lankford and Daines also cosponsored similar amendments to apply status quo abortion funding restrictions to Agriculture, State, and Local, and Foreign Assistance provisions. 

Last week, Lankford reintroduced the Conscience Protection Act of 2021 to protect health care providers, including health insurance plans from government discrimination if they decline to participate in abortions. Lankford introduced the bill ahead of a hearing to consider President Joe Biden’s nominee to serve as Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. Lankford pressed Xavier Becerra on how he plans to protect the conscience rights of Americans and ensure faith-based entities receive fair treatment.

Lankford introduced the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act, which would make the Hyde amendment permanent. Earlier this year, Lankford reintroduced the bicameral Women’s Public Health and Safety Act, which gives states the authority to exclude abortion providers, like Planned Parenthood, from receiving Medicaid funds.

