Lankford Supports Judge Amy Coney Barrett to Supreme Court

WASHINGTON, DC – Senator James Lankford (R-OK) today issued the following statement on his support for Judge Amy Coney Barrett to be Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court. Judge Barrett was confirmed by the Senate in a vote of 52-48.


“I congratulate Judge Amy Coney Barrett and her family on her confirmation to the United States Supreme Court,” said Lankford. “Throughout her nomination process, Judge Barrett’s qualifications to serve on the Supreme Court were made abundantly clear. She received the American Bar Association’s highest rating and was unwavering in her commitment to the rule of law and role of the judiciary. I took the time to review her qualifications, understand her judicial philosophy, and learn more about who she is as an individual. Judge Barrett is a jurist, a scholar, a mother, a wife, a mentor, and a great example for young women and legal minds in our nation. She understands that there is no such thing as a Republican judge or a Democrat judge, but independent jurists who are separate from the political branches of our government. She is committed to being a fair justice who will uphold and follow the law, not her personal preference.


“After being nominated to the Supreme Court, Judge Barrett and her family faced unwarranted criticism about their faith and family structure. We are a nation that cherishes the free exercise of religion. Article VI of the Constitution makes it clear that no religious test is ever required to serve in any public office. The Senate vets nominees based on their qualifications and temperament, not on their sincerely held religious beliefs. As we move forward, I hope our nation and the Senate continue to honor Article VI and refrain from imposing a religious test on any nominee for any public office.


“Judge Barrett is active in her community and is a dedicated wife and mother to seven children. In her opening statements during her hearing, she shared that she is used to being in a group of nine: her family. As she begins this chapter in a new group of nine, I’m confident she will serve Americans well in our nation’s highest court.”


Earlier today, Lankford spoke on the Senate floor to against Democrats’ smear campaign of Judge Amy Coney Barrett. Last week, Lankford met with Judge Barrett to discuss religious liberty, anti-trust laws, and a variety of other issues. Lankford expressed support for President Trump’s nomination of Judge Barrett on September 26 after previously supporting her nomination to fill a vacancy on the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals in 2017. After the partisan attacks against Judge Barrett’s devout Catholic faith reignited in the media, Lankford spoke on the Senate floor on September 30 in support of Judge Barrett’s ability to practice her faith and serve as a highly qualified member of the Judicial Branch. Lankford also joined Senator Jim Inhofe (R-OK) to publish an op-ed on October 20 in support of Judge Barrett’s nomination.

