Lankford Outlines Steps Taken to Enhance Security Ahead of 2020 Election

WASHINGTON, DC – Senator James Lankford (R-OK) has consistently worked since the 2016 election to ensure safe and secure future elections for Oklahomans and Americans. Most notably, following the 2016 presidential election, as a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Lankford introduced bipartisan legislation entitled the Secure Elections Act, which included targeted funding for states to secure and update their own election systems.   

“Two weeks out from the 2020 election, Oklahomans and Americans should be confident in a secure US election, free of foreign interference,” said Lankford. “I have worked over the last four years to ensure states have resources from the federal government to strengthen vulnerabilities in their systems. This includes additional funding for states to upgrade their voting systems. The Administration has also taken steps to facilitate information sharing among federal, state and local partners; strengthen cybersecurity; ensure foreign bad-actors aren’t sowing discord by spreading false information, and provide for the auditability of our elections in order to verify the votes cast and instill confidence in the results. There have been significant and meaningful changes to our election system since 2016 to make it more reliable and secure.”

Specifically, Lankford has pushed for four areas since 2016, which have all be implemented by President Trump and his administration to:

  1. Encourage information sharing between the federal government and states and local election partners. Each state also has an additional layer of federal cyber protection over their critical election systems to monitor for possible interference.  
  2. Enhance security, $1.2 billion has been allocated for states to upgrade election their systems and enhance cybersecurity.  
  3. Identify and expose foreign actors that are sowing false election information on American social media platforms
  4. Ensure states have the ability to conduct a post-election audit of election results with a paper record.  Every state but one is now capable of post-election audits.  

Actions by Lankford to address cybersecurity:


Oklahoma resources: 

  • For general election information, or Oklahomans who want to vote by absentee ballot please visit for more information.

