Senator Lankford Statement on Justice Department Russian Indictments

WASHINGTON, DC – Senator James Lankford (R-OK) today issued the following statement on the Justice Department’s indictments of 12 Russian nationals as part of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election. The indictments accuse the Russians, all members of the Russian Federation intelligence agency, of engaging in a “sustained effort” to hack Democrats’ emails and computer networks. 

“With each passing month, our Russia investigations continue to confirm that Russian officials attempted to interfere in our 2016 election. I am pleased that Mueller’s team is aggressively going after Russia for their attack on our democracy. Today’s indictments are also another sign that we must enact election security legislation to protect our election infrastructure from attacks from foreign entities. Other nations or hacktivist groups could follow Russia’s example in the future; each state and the entire nation must be ready.”

Lankford, who serves on the Senate Intelligence Committee, has introduced bipartisan election security legislation that strengthens election cybersecurity in America.

