Senator Lankford Meets With Secretary of State Nominee Mike Pompeo

WASINGTON, DC – Senator James Lankford (R-OK) released the following statement after meeting with CIA Director Mike Pomeo, who is now the President’s nominee to be the Secretary of State:

“Mike Pompeo is a hard-working public servant who is dedicated to the security of our nation and understands the priority and value of peaceful diplomacy. I completely support Mike Pompeo to be our next Secretary of State. During our conversation today, we discussed how Mike, if confirmed, can work with Congress to ensure taxpayer dollars are used appropriately overseas while supporting the outstanding men and women serving in our nation’s diplomatic corps. He and I both agree that US leadership in the world is needed now more than ever; however, US leadership should not equate to cash handouts to foreign countries or international organizations. We must be diligent in our oversight of taxpayer dollars, especially those spent overseas, and I am glad to say that Mike has expressed his commitment to this idea. There are major challenges facing our nation that require careful diplomacy and strength.”

Lankford serves on the Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs, as well as the Senate Intelligence Committee.

