Senator Lankford Statement on North Korea Missile Test

WASHINGTON, DC – Senator James Lankford (R-OK) issued the following statement on North Korea reportedly testing a ballistic missile: 

“Today’s North Korea missile test into Japanese waters is another in a long line of provocative and aggressive actions intended to intimidate its neighbors and the world. Kim Jong-un has regrettably prioritized spending millions of dollars launching missiles into the Pacific while his own people go without basic necessities such as food and electricity. North Korea has asked the world to respect them as a responsible member of the international community, yet their actions create the exact opposite dynamic. Congress countered these despicable actions this week by passing another round of sanctions in bipartisan fashion to ensure the security of US interests in the Asia-Pacific, and help facilitate a future of prosperity for all people on the Korean Peninsula. If North Korea continues down this path, the despotic regime in Pyongyang will endure this pressure from the world.”

The Senate passed a sanctions bill on North Korea on Thursday by a vote of 98-2. 

Lankford visited South Korea and the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) this past winter to meet with US and Korean military leaders to discuss the North Korean threat and America’s security relationships in the region. 

