Senators Lankford, Kaine, Rubio and Coons Introduce Resolution on US-Argentina Partnership

WASHINGTON, DC – Senators James Lankford (R-OK), Tim Kaine (D-VA), Marco Rubio (R-FL), and Chris Coons (D-DE) introduced a resolution yesterday that reaffirms the partnership between the United States and Argentina and recognizes the economic reforms implemented by Argentina since its election of President Mauricio Macri in November 2015. 

“The United States and Argentina have long shared a commitment to the values of liberty and democracy,” said Senator Lankford. “Argentina’s interest in growing ties with the U.S. and commitment to economic reform and transparency are encouraging developments.  The U.S. needs responsible allies like Argentina in the Western Hemisphere, and I look forward to working with the Trump Administration to continue cultivating important bilateral relationships in Latin America.”

“Since taking office, I’ve been encouraged by the measures President Macri has taken to further integrate Argentina into the global economy and improve the bilateral relationship with the United States,” said Senator Kaine. “It is important that the new Administration continue to bolster our economic and defense ties with Argentina, especially as a major non-NATO ally.”

“Relations between United States and Argentina have long been characterized by bilateral collaboration on issues such as education and human rights and strong commercial ties,” said Senator Coons, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. “Since his election, President Macri has demonstrated a commitment to strengthening relations with the United States. His economic reforms should transform Argentina into a major engine of economic growth in the Western Hemisphere. In the coming years, the United States must continue to strengthen cooperation with Argentina on a range of bilateral, regional, and global challenges.” 

“After years of corruption, lawlessness and gross mismanagement of its economy, Argentina’s most recent presidential election has given that nation and the U.S. a new opportunity to rekindle our bilateral relationship,” said Senator Rubio. “Under President Macri, Argentina is undertaking important reforms and taking steps to restore the rule of law. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the independent investigation that seeks justice for Alberto Nisman, the prosecutor who mysteriously died as he was investigating the AMIA bombing.”

The resolution upholds the U.S. Senate’s commitment to the partnership between the United States and Argentina and reaffirms that the Argentine Republic is a major non-NATO ally of the United States; encourages the State Department to coordinate an interagency strategy to increase cooperation with the Government of Argentina on areas of bilateral, regional, and global concern; commends President Macri and his Administration for making far-reaching economic reforms that will benefit the people of Argentina, stimulate economic growth, and deepen Argentina’s integration with the global economy; praises the Argentine Government for resolving its dispute with international creditors; and encourages the Government of Argentina to continue to investigate and prosecute those responsible for the 1994 bombing of the Argentine-Israeli Mutual Association (AMIA) in Buenos Aires, as well as the January 2015 death of AMIA special prosecutor Alberto Nisman.

