Senators Lankford, Inhofe Statement In Support of Scott Pruitt for EPA Administrator

WASHINGTON, DC – Senators James Lankford and Jim Inhofe today released a statement in support of President-elect Trump’s announcement of his intention to nominate Oklahoma Attorney General E. Scott Pruitt as Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: 

“I applaud President-elect Trump and his team for choosing Scott Pruitt to lead the Environmental Protection Agency,” said Lankford. “Pruitt has served Oklahoma as a tireless defender of justice and law, and I am confident that he will serve America well. I look forward to working with him to restore a balanced approach to regulations and governance that fosters economic growth, advances energy independence and ensures stewardship for the environment. Scott Pruitt knows the difference between a state responsibility and a federal responsibility. The American people deserve an EPA that rejects extreme activism and instead returns to its proper interpretation of environmental law.”

“Scott Pruitt has been a leader and a partner on environmental issues for many years,” said Inhofe. “Pruitt has fought back against unconstitutional and overzealous environmental regulations like Waters of the U.S. and the Clean Power Plan; he has proven that being a good steward of the environment does not mean burdening tax payers and businesses with red tape. In his appearances before the Environment and Public Works committee, Pruitt has demonstrated that he is an expert on environmental laws and a champion of states’ roles in implementing those laws. Scott is thoughtful, experienced and a natural pick for this role. I am pleased with President-elect Trump’s selection and I look forward to working with my fellow Oklahoman in his new capacity.”

