Senator Lankford: Happy 4th of July

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OKLAHOMA CITY, OK — Senator James Lankford (R-OK) today issued the following video statement wishing Oklahomans a Happy 4th of July:

“Two-hundred and forty years ago this week, a group of individuals in a very hot Philadelphia finally resolved a long-standing debate: are we going to be colonies or are we going to be an independent nation. They resolved for freedom, for independence. They wrote, ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.’ I’m very grateful for their leadership 240 years ago and the continued leadership of so many people in so many communities across our state and across our great nation.

“We understand full-well that freedom is not free. That it is continued to be protected by our law-enforcement, by our folks in the military, by those individuals in the intelligence community that work every single day to help keep us safe, to protect our great freedoms. We understand the diversity of those original thirteen colonies, and how that’s continued to spread out to an incredibly diverse, amazing nation that we now have the privilege to be able to enjoy today.  And we understand full-well what they knew full-well 240 years ago, that with freedom and liberty come responsibility. Responsibility to take care of your own family, of your own communities. …that we are a self-governed people. And that begins by self-governing ourselves and our families and our community. We live in an incredible place, that we could not be more grateful for.

“On this 4th of July weekend, in this celebration of independence, I hope we declare again our great joy, to these self-evident truths that all people are created equal. And that we are endowed by our Creator with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Happy 4th of July. Enjoy our independence together today.”

