As Iran Touts Their Nuclear Activity, Senator Lankford Pushes To Hold Them Accountable

WASHINGTON, DC – As Iran celebrates National Nuclear Technology Day today, Senator James Lankford (R-OK) re-emphasized his commitment to hold Iran accountable if they violate the terms in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), commonly referred to as the Iran Nuclear Deal. Today, Iran President Hassan Rouhani unveiled Iran’s latest nuclear achievements during a ceremony to honor the country’s National Nuclear Technology Day on Friday. Rouhani unveiled 12 nuclear achievements at the Iranian capital.

“While Iran celebrates its 10th annual National Nuclear Technology Day and boasts of its nuclear advancements, the Ayatollah continues to spread and finance terrorism around the world, according to our own State Department,” said Lankford. “President Rouhani says Iran only seeks peaceful nuclear technology; my resolution on Iran would pressure President Obama to ensure Iran doesn’t cheat on the Iran Nuclear Deal.”

Yesterday, Lankford introduced a Senate resolution to ensure President Obama follows through on his commitment to reimpose sanctions if Iran violates the nuclear deal. The resolution expresses the sense of the Senate that, should Iran violate the JCPOA, the US should:

  • Immediately reapply nuclear-related sanctions on Iran.
  • Seek the adoption of a new UN Security Council resolution that limits exports of defensive weapons to Iran.
  • Work with the European Union to reapply European sanctions waived as part of the JCPOA.
  • Seek the reinstitution of UN Security Council resolutions which were lifted pursuant to JCPOA implementation.
  • Seek additional punitive sanctions with respect to Iran. 

The JCPOA was negotiated by the Obama administration and five other world powers and signed on July 14, 2015 by President Obama. A procedural vote on a Senate resolution of disapproval, which was the first step to block President Obama from implementing the JCPOA, failed by two votes on September 10, 2015. Senator Lankford voted to block the deal, but it failed because 60 votes were required to move to debate and a vote. 

