Senator Lankford Votes to Disapprove Clean Power Plan

WASHINGTON, DC—  Senator James Lankford (R-OK) today voted on two resolutions of disapproval of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed Clean Power Plan, a rule to force states to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from power plants. Senator Lankford co-sponsored both resolutions.
“Once again, the EPA has far overreached their authority to regulate power generation,” said Lankford. “The EPA does not have the authority to impose federal carbon mandates—that authority lies with Congress. With the continued ligation from states to stop this rule, the Clean Power Plan is clearly not a path supported by the American people. It’s time for the EPA to stop pushing a political agenda, and start listening to Americans and our need to maintain affordable, reliable energy resources without forced regulations.”
Recently, Senator Lankford spoke on the Senate floor to advocate for a pro-growth energy policy and the negative ramifications of the Obama Administration’s misguided energy policy.

