Senator Lankford Supports NDAA, Again

WASHINGTON, DC— Senator James Lankford (R-OK) today released the following statement on the Senate’s second passage of a National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which passed by a vote of 91-3:

“The Senate has passed, not once, but twice, responsible bipartisan legislation to give our military the strategy and funding it needs to defend our nation and keep us safe. It is extremely disappointing that the President would put politics over our national security by stalling this very important bill. With all of the instability around the world, it’s essential that we maintain certainty in our military operations. There is too much on the line to delay something as important as the National Defense Authorization Act.” 

The Senate passed an NDAA bill by a vote of 70-27 on October 7, but the President vetoed it on October 22. Senator Lankford delivered a floor speech on his support for the NDAA on October 7. Lankford also wrote an op-ed on October 13 on why it is important to have a clear national security strategy. 

