Senator Lankford Greets Oklahoma Honor Flight Veterans In Washington, DC

WASHINGTON, DC – Senator James Lankford (R-OK) today greeted veterans from Oklahoma during a one-day trip to Washington, DC war memorials with the Honor Flight charity. The Oklahomans visited the World War II Memorial, the Korean War Memorial, the Vietnam Wall, the Lincoln Memorial, the Iwo Jima Memorial, and the Arlington National Cemetery.
“One of my greatest honors is to welcome and personally thank veterans from America’s Greatest Generation during their visit to Washington, DC,” said Lankford. “We are quickly losing the Greatest Generation, but we cannot forget their sacrifice or their values of family, dedication and integrity. The Oklahoma Honor Flight serves as a way for many veterans to see the World War II memorial and other sites in our nation’s capital. Their trip is a reminder to all of the sacrifices they have made to protect our country. I’m grateful to the honor flight organization for providing the opportunity for veterans to visit the memorial.”
The Oklahoma Honor Flight organization is part of the national Honor Flight Network, and this was its 21st flight from Oklahoma and 13th from Oklahoma City. Honor Flight Network is a national 501(c)3 non-profit organization established in 42 states dedicated to transporting World War II and Korean War veterans on a free trip to Washington, D.C. to see all the veterans’ memorials.

