Why we march for life each January in Washington

By: US Senator James Lankford

Blessed is he who has regard for the weak… Psalm 41:1

Each January, tens of thousands of students and adults come to Washington, DC, in a beautiful display of compassion for the dignity and value of every human life, no matter how small. They march for life, and I’m proud to join them as we march and pray together to end abortion in America.

Since the devastating Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade 49 years ago, major advancements in science have changed the conversation on abortion from “cells” and “viability” to the obvious humanity of the unborn. Science has helped society see that babies in the womb can feel pain, have a beating heart, and have their own fingerprints. Children—from conception—have unique DNA that determines their hair color, eye color, height, sex and other personal characteristics.

We know with certainty from science what millions have declared for decades: that’s a child in the womb, not just a random collection of tissue.

I march because I believe everyone is created in the image of God and has value and worth. Following Christ’s example, it’s my responsibility to have regard for the weak, even when others see them as inconvenient and disposable.

I march to stand with my fellow Americans against the views of pro-abortion politicians and abortion special-interest groups who celebrate taking innocent human life. President Biden is the most pro-abortion president in American history. Every beautiful child pulled apart today during a surgical abortion or disposed of in the toilet this evening during an “at home” chemical abortion should’ve had an opportunity for life, not a sentence of death.

I march with abortion survivors like Melissa Ohden, who was left to die on a surgical table after an abortion but survived and has given her life to speak out for other abortion survivors.

I march with Dr. Alveda King, daughter of the late civil rights leader Rev. A.D. King and niece of the late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., as she tells her story of grace and forgiveness for moms after their abortion. 

I march to support access to quality care for women and mothers while protecting the lives of their children in the womb and the consciences of health providers. Unfortunately, under this Administration, health care workers don’t have a path for legal recourse if they decline to participate in abortions.

My bill, the Conscience Protection Act, makes sure health care workers are protected from discrimination by their employers and provides them a private right of action when they refuse to participate in abortions. Most people entered health care to protect life. They shouldn’t be forced to take a life to keep their job. The right of an American to live their conscience shouldn’t be controversial.

Protecting life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is our founding value. It’s a demonstration of our commitment to justice, equity, and acceptance of all. It’s our recognition that a person in America doesn’t have to be a certain height, weight, or age to be recognized as a person in need of our protection, no matter how small, no matter how weak.

I march for life. Will you join me?

