Gov’t Watch Groups Applaud Sen. Lankford’s “Federal Fumbles” Report

WASHINGTON, DC – Nonpartisan government watch and taxpayer protection groups are speaking out in favor of Senator James Lankford’s new federal waste and solutions report, “Federal Fumbles: 100 ways the government dropped the ball,” which was released on Monday. Here is what they’re saying:


Citizens Against Government Waste Praises Sen. Lankford’s “Federal Fumbles” Report

The report not only provides details about each extravagant expenditure, it also reveals “how to recover the ball” with specific proposals to eliminate the waste.

CAGW President Tom Schatz said, “Sen. Lankford should be applauded for taking the handoff from Sen. Coburn and moving the ball down the field so that taxpayers can finally score a few touchdowns in the ongoing fight against wasteful spending.” 

Taxpayers Protection Alliance: Senator Lankford Continues Tradition of Exposing Government Waste

The Taxpayers Protection Alliance (TPA) is encouraged to see Sen. Lankford stake out his own claim to be the voice for speaking out against government waste. …Sen. Lankford’s report is a great way to start a new chapter in the fight against government waste in Congress.  And, the next time a member of Congress or bureaucrat says that there is no waste to cut, show them Sen. Lankford’s report. 

Committee For A Responsible Federal Budget: Lankford Publishes Federal Fumbles

Lankford examines federal programs, agencies, and regulations to come up with 100 “fumbles” that he thinks could be corrected in order to enhance efficiency and cut government waste while streamlining the essential services that government can and does provide. Not only does Lankford provide descriptions of each misstep, he also proposes a solution for each of them.

Included in the report are examples of not only waste, fraud, and abuse, but also of budget gimmickry and tax non-compliance. 

National Taxpayers Union: Lankford Report: Waste and Over-Regulation Costing Taxpayers

Freshman Senator James Lankford (R-OK) scored a touchdown for taxpayers with the release of his “Federal Fumbles” report detailing “100 ways the government dropped the ball.” The report tackles wasteful spending and costly federal regulations, both of which increase the size and burden of government, eroding our prosperity.

For lawmakers looking to take action, the report goes beyond simply listing these fouls against taxpayers, laying out potential solutions. Let’s hope this report is an annual initiative that grows shorter with Congressional action. 

Institute to Reduce Spending: A Touchdown for Spending Watchdogs: Senator Lankford Introduces ‘Federal Fumbles’

Whether it’s federal regulations stifling the use of therapy llamas for children and the elderly, the $67.9 million the Bureau of Land Management is spending on “wild horse management,” or the $1.2 million grant to the National Science Foundation to teach robots how to assemble fashionable outfits, a detailed solution accompanies each example of egregious waste of taxpayer money. Senator Lankford noted that an informed public, better able to pressure lawmakers, is critical to efforts to cut wasteful spending. 

Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs: Senator Lankford Releases “Federal Fumbles”

As we work to highlight the wasteful spending here in Oklahoma, we’re thankful Senator Lankford is tackling this issue at a national level. 

