Lankford Commends Passage of USCIRF Reauthorization

WASHINGTON, DC – Senator James Lankford (R-OK) applauded the Senate’s passage of a two-year reauthorization of the United States Commission on International Freedom (USCIRF). The Commission, created under the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998, plays a critical role in monitoring and advocating for religious freedom around the world. The Commission’s authorization was set to expire on September 30, 2024. The two-year extension will ensure USCIRF can continue its mission of promoting religious liberty globally.

Upon the reauthorization’s passage, Senator Lankford said:

“USCIRF helps our nation protect and promote religious freedom for all people of every faith around the world. This Commission has been a leading voice in condemning the persecution of those who simply wish to live out their faith. I’m glad to see the Senate take bipartisan action to reauthorize USCIRF. We also need to come together and fully fund USCIRF so it can continue its mission. Whether it’s speaking up for the persecuted or engaging with our partners to promote religious liberty worldwide, USCIRF should be equipped to lead that effort.”


Lankford remains a leader in advancing religious liberty and human rights around the world. He has consistently fought to reauthorize USCIRF, and he has introduced legislation to reauthorize the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act. He has also fought for religious freedom to be recognized as a fundamental right internationally.

