Lankford Leads Press Conference on His Introduction of the Charitable Act

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WASHINGTON, DC –  Senators James Lankford (R-OK) and Chris Coons (D-DE) today hosted a press conference to discuss the importance of today’s introduction of the Charitable Act, which would expand and extend the expired non-itemized deduction for charitable giving that would ensure Americans who donate to charities, houses of worship, religious organizations, and other nonprofits of their choice are able to deduct that donation from their federal taxes at a higher level than the previous $300 deduction.

The bill is supported by numerous nonprofits including YMCA, United Way, Goodwill Industries, and the American Heart Association in addition to coalitions of thousands of nonprofits including the Charitable Giving Coalition (175 member organizations), the National Council of Nonprofits (25,000 member organizations), Leadership18, the Nonprofit Alliance, United Philanthropy Forum, the National Philanthropic Trust, Jewish Federations of North America, Independent Sector, Philanthropy Southwest, the Association of Fundraising Professionals, Council for Advancement and Support of Education, and the Faith & Giving Coalition.

Here’s what they are saying about the Charitable Act…

“At the intersection of democracy and capitalism lies philanthropy – the notion that working together, helping one another, we can create a stronger America. The Charitable Act not only encourages every taxpayer to extend a hand to another, it incentivizes them to do so. I, along with many nonprofit leaders, applaud Senator Lankford for his leadership on charitable deductions and his commitment to supporting our sector,” said Marnie Taylor, President & CEO, Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits.

“Nonprofits need tools like the nonitemizer deduction proposed by the Charitable Act to meet growing and changing community needs,” said YMCA of the USA President and CEO Suzanne McCormick. “As expected, the universal charitable deduction enacted temporarily during the height of the pandemic unlocked more giving. Making the deduction permanent will provide an ongoing incentive to increase giving and also will counteract inflation. Senators Lankford and Coons understand that the universal charitable deduction helps nonprofits like the Y make their communities stronger. I’m grateful for their leadership.”

“United Way is a global network of neighbors helping neighborsfrom fighting for access to education to responding when disaster strikes,” said Angela F. Williams, President and CEO of United Way Worldwide. “Nonprofits like ours are on the frontlines of addressing community needs, and we rely on the generous donations of everyday Americans to carry out our mission. I am proud to support the bipartisan Charitable Act, which will make it easier and fairer for Americans to give back to their communities and the charitable causes they support.”

“The need for more charitable giving is not going away. From national disasters to social problems to economic hardship, America is facing unprecedented challenges that nonprofit services can help to address.  The bipartisan Charitable Act signals Congress’ recognition of the importance of restoring and expanding a charitable deduction for all taxpayers, driving more donations to organizations when they need it most. The Charitable Giving Coalition thanks Senator Lankford and his colleagues for introducing the Charitable Act, and we urge Congress to enact this important legislation as soon as possible,” said Brian Flahaven, Chair, Charitable Giving Coalition.

“We applaud Senator James Lankford for his leadership in introducing the bipartisan Charitable Act, legislation that will encourage all taxpayers, regardless of income, to make charitable donations to schools, colleges, and universities across the country. When donors give more, educational institutions can offer greater opportunity and access to students who will be our future leaders; conduct life transforming and saving research that benefits us all; and enhance society through public service programs and community engagement. We strongly support the Charitable Act and look forward to working with lawmakers to seek its passage,” said Sue Cunningham, President and CEO, Council for Advancement and Support of Education.

“With art museums relying on charitable gifts for about one-third of their operating budgets, we thank Senators Lankford and Coons and their colleagues for introducing the Charitable Act.  Passage of this legislation will help us continue to serve children and families, caregivers, and educators in Oklahoma, Delaware, and across the nation,” said Christine Anagnos, Executive Director of the Association of Art Museum Directors.

According to data compiled by AFP’s Fundraising Effectiveness Project, the number of small donations went up in 2020 and 2021 after Congress enacted a universal charitable deduction but then small-gift donors collapsed in 2022 after the temporary universal charitable deduction was not renewed,” said Mike Geiger, President and CEO of the Association of Fundraising Professionals. “On behalf of our more than 27,000 fundraising professional members that raise more than $100 billion annually for charities, we thank US Senators James Lankford and Chris Coons for their leadership in championing the Charitable Act to restore this proven giving incentive.”

“The Nonprofit Alliance would like to commend the strong bipartisan leadership of Senators Lankford and Coons on the Charitable Act. This legislation, which will broaden the base of charitable donors, is vital toward achieving a vibrant charitable sector beneficial to the entire nation,” said Shannon McCracken, Chief Executive Officer of The Nonprofit Alliance.

“Goodwill Industries International calls on Congress to pass the Charitable Act to build upon the universal charitable deduction provided during the height of the pandemic,” said Steven C. Preston, president and CEO of Goodwill Industries International. “The nonprofit sector continues to see an increasing demand for programs while funds are tightening. Donors are vital to our ability to provide impactful employment services that will change individuals’ lives and strengthen families and communities. Congress should do everything in its power to incentivize giving.”

“The introduction of the Charitable Act is an admirable step toward encouraging all Americans to give more to charity. The charitable sector continues to confront unprecedented needs, and incentivizing philanthropy can lead to better outcomes in communities across the country. Philanthropy Southwest deeply appreciates Senator Lankford’s leadership on this effort, we are confident this bill will lead to more giving in our region, and we look forward to helping build support for this legislation in the 118th Congress,” said Tony Fundaro, President & CEO, Philanthropy Southwest.

“We welcome The Charitable Act because it would expand tax incentives for Americans to donate to charities and all nonprofits. This legislation would help strengthen our nation’s communities and increase the number of donors.

“Research we’ve released shows that such a proposal could generate over $17 billion in additional charitable contributions each year, if made permanent. Expanded giving incentives for all Americans, regardless of income, would create a fairer system, better enabling charities and all nonprofits to make the communities we serve, stronger, healthier, and more equitable,” said Dr. Akilah Watkins, president and CEO of Independent Sector.

“Our country is stronger when everyone can support the charitable organizations that work tirelessly to improve and enrich our communities. The renewal and expansion of the universal charitable deduction for non-itemizing taxpayers through the Charitable Act would encourage philanthropic minded individuals nationwide, regardless of income, to give to charity. The American Heart Association greatly appreciates Senators Coons’ and Lankford’s leadership and commitment to America’s charitable community and urges the Senate to move the bill forward quickly,” said Mark Schoeberl, Executive Vice President, Advocacy, American Heart Association.

United Philanthropy Forum applauds US Senators James Lankford and Chris Coons for supporting America’s charitable organizations and the communities they serve,” said David Biemesderfer, President & CEO of United Philanthropy Forum. “United Philanthropy Forum believes that a universal charitable deduction is a fair and efficient way to encourage Americans to contribute more to charities, help strengthen a longstanding culture of giving in our country, and incentivize younger taxpayers to make charitable investments in the communities and causes they care about.”

“Given the realities of today’s economy, the most vulnerable among our communities are relying on the vital work of nonprofit organizations more than ever. By expanding charitable giving for all Americans, this much needed legislation ensures nonprofits have the necessary resources to meet the growing needs of the local communities they serve all across the country. We appreciate the efforts of Senators Lankford and Coons to introduce this important piece of legislation during a critical time for the charitable sector,” said Eileen Heisman, CEO of National Philanthropic Trust.

“When disaster strikes, when tragedy hits, when crises befall us, everyday Americans want to step up and lend a hand, often by supporting the nonprofit sector’s vital work. This policy would help ensure that more people are able to give and help nonprofits do what they do best: serve their communities,” said Elana Broitman, Jewish Federations of North America, Senior Vice President for Public Affairs.

