Lankford Receives A+ for His Pro-Life Leadership in the Senate

WASHINGTON, DC – Senator James Lankford (R-OK), ahead of the annual March for Life, received an A+ score on the latest Susan B. Anthony List National Pro-Life Scorecard, a tool for holding members of Congress accountable for their legislative records on life and highlighting leadership in the fight to protect unborn children and their mothers.

“Every life, born or unborn, has value and worth. As elected officials who swear to uphold life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, we should work to protect life at every stage,” said Lankford. “During my time in Congress, one of my top priorities has been standing up for those who cannot speak for themselves, and I am humbled to be recognized for this work by the Susan B. Anthony List, which helps keep Americans informed about pro-life work in Congress. I look forward to continuing my support of pro-life causes and legislation—we can and should protect the basic human right to life.”

“With the Supreme Court poised to decide the Dobbs late-term abortion case, potentially returning abortion policy to the people and their elected representatives, the life issue will be front and center in this year’s midterm elections,” said Hon. Marilyn Musgrave, SBA List’s vice president of government affairs. “In contrast to Republicans who are more united than ever in support of life, nearly all congressional Democrats support the radical Biden agenda of abortion on demand up to birth, well past the point when unborn children can feel pain, and even infanticide. Our National Pro-life Scorecard reflects that record. The overwhelming majority of Americans reject pro-abortion extremism. They deserve to know where their elected officials stand so they can hold them accountable and elect a pro-life majority to Congress this November.”

As the Senate’s most pro-life member, Lankford has been a leading voice for the protection of life. Yesterday, he spoke on the Senate floor about the importance of protecting life in the womb ahead of the 49th annual March for Life. Lankford has been vocal in his support of the State of Mississippi in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which presents the Supreme Court with the opportunity to overturn Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey. He joined an amicus brief signed by more than 220 Members of Congress supporting the state of Mississippi in Dobbs. Lankford released two episodes of a four-part series on his podcast, The Breakdown with James Lankford, highlighting the science behind life in the womb and the stories behind the pro-life movement.

Lankford pushed back on the Biden Administration’s rule to allow taxpayer funded abortions. He successfully secured language in the Democrats partisan $3.5 trillion Fiscal Year 2022 budget resolution to save the long-standing Hyde and Weldon Amendments, which prohibit the use of taxpayer dollars to fund abortions and abortion-related discrimination against health care workers, including insurers.
