Lankford Receives A+ Rating on His Pro-Life Leadership

WASHINGTON, DC – Senator James Lankford (R-OK), ahead of the annual March for Life, received an A+ score on the latest Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America National Pro-Life Scorecard, a tool for holding members of Congress accountable for their legislative records on life and highlighting leadership in the fight to protect unborn children and their mothers.

“Life begins at conception, and every life—born or unborn—is valuable. Defending the right to life has remained at the forefront of my work in Washington, and I am grateful to be recognized by Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America for my stand. As we approach two years after the landmark decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which overturned Roe v. Wade, the work to support families, protect all children, and make abortion unthinkable is ongoing. I will continue to speak out for the importance of every life,” said Lankford.

As the Senate’s most pro-life member, Lankford has been a leading voice for the protection of life. In 2023, he took to the Senate floor to share his full and unwavering support for life in our nation and to ask his fellow Senators a simple question: when does life begin?

Lankford led the fight to protect Oklahoma’s health care funding from the Biden Administration’s pro-abortion agenda. He sounded the alarm on a rule that targets funding for pregnancy centers and the Administration’s push to impose an abortion mandate on employers. 

Lankford challenged attempts to use taxpayer dollars indented for COVID relief on abortions or to pay for abortions for minors at the border. He introduced the Women’s Public Health and Safety Act to exclude abortion providers from Medicaid funds and the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act to establish a permanent prohibition on federal funding for abortion.

Ahead of a decision from the Supreme Court on the deregulation of chemical abortions, Lankford introduced the Support and Value Expectant (SAVE) Moms and Babies Act to fight efforts by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to loosen restrictions on the use of chemical abortion drugs. Lankford also put pressure on pharmacies to stop distributing DIY abortion drugs, and called out the Department of Justice for failing to enforce long-standing laws prohibiting the mailing of abortion drugs . He recently published an op-ed detailing the dangers of chemical abortions, as well as an episode of The Breakdown with James Lankford podcast on the same topic.

Lankford also introduced the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act to protect infants who survived an abortion attempt. 

