Lankford Releases An Emotional Special Episode of The Breakdown with Firsthand Account from a Ukrainian

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WASHINGTON, DC — Senator James Lankford (R-OK) today released a special episode of The Breakdown with James Lankford to provide a firsthand account from his friend and former Member of Parliament Pavel Unguryan, who is currently in Ukraine, on what is happening on the ground. Pavel details how his country is under attack, thanks America for its support, and calls on the US to stop buying Russian oil. During the conversation, Unguryan asked for prayers for him and his nation and specifically asked that the anger does not transform into hate, but the world needs to see what is happening to the country of Ukraine.  


Unguryan: Last week, it was everything changing in my personal life and the life of my family and in our country. Right now, last week, it’s seven days it’s a great war. It’s a real war for independence. First of all I would like to say ‘thank you’ for all American people, American House of Representatives, and the American Senate and for you Senator because it is a great, great war against evil in our country right now. Thank you, thank you for sending javelins, stingers, and right now we very, very need the corridor to send this weapon to Kyiv, to Capitol of our country because they have attacked, not all, but many of our airports and we need the military corridor for military weapons, not for the troops but just for the weapon. If possible we need to make this corridor for the weapon. This is very important because they use some provocations against NATO. You know, just a few hours ago, their Russian aircrafts they were in Sweden territory in the sky and just 20 mins ago, just 30 mins ago… Romanian aircraft and Romanian helicopter near the border of Romania and Ukraine in my region of Odessa. 

It is very important for the oil embargo. It’s very important to crush the economy…and it’s also very important for humanitarian aid for people—for millions of people right now. We think it will be more than 2 million in the next few days. In Poland, in Romania and Moldova, Slovakia, all our churches now, our teams it’s extremely hard work for refugees from eastern Ukraine, from central Ukraine, from Kyiv.. send people food and water and medicine. Please pray for us—we have very hard work and hard time right now. But Jesus is savior, savior for our country. And He will help us, we know it. We not hate the Russian people—all of them crying when we arrested them. When we take them. They cry. They don’t know what they do. Please pray about us because we don’t want to hate these people. We just hate what they are doing to us, but we understand it is a crazy totalitarian regime in Russia. We need to finish this regime like finish Soviet Union. 

One more time, thank you, Senator, for everything.   


