Lankford, Scott Lead Colleagues in Resolution Honoring Border Patrol Agents

WASHINGTON, DC – Senator James Lankford (R-OK) joined Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) to introduce a resolution along with Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX), Ron Johnson (R-WI), and Josh Hawley (R-MO) to commend the bravery and hard work of US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents as they manage the crisis at the Southern border.

“President Biden’s bad policies have invited thousands of migrants to our borders in hopes of entering the country illegally,” said Lankford. “I’ve seen first-hand how the brave men and women employed to protect our southern border have worked tirelessly to manage this humanitarian and security crisis the best they can. On behalf of Oklahomans, I express my deepest gratitude for their dedication to protect our nation and uphold American law. Thank you for the way you serve.”

“Last month, I visited the border to meet with our brave CBP agents to hear firsthand from them about the crisis on the border,” said Scott. “My trip to Arizona made one thing abundantly clear: the crisis on our Southern border is 100% caused by President Biden’s policies of open borders and amnesty. Just last month, US Customs and Border Patrol apprehended more than 170,000 illegal aliens trying to cross our border – that’s the highest monthly total in nearly 15 years. That is unacceptable. It’s time for the Biden Administration to stop this insanity, secure the border and send a clear message of law and order.

“Amid Biden’s border crisis, our CBP agents are selflessly and heroically risking their lives to secure our border and keep people safe. Every day, these agents are put in dangerous situations and lack the federal resources they need to do their jobs. They are worthy of our respect and admiration, and I am proud to lead my colleagues today to honor their service and sacrifice.”

“Last month, I traveled to the Rio Grande Valley with 18 of my fellow senators and we witnessed firsthand the incredible bravery and dedication of the US Customs and Border Protection officers as they face the greatest crisis our southern border has ever seen,” said Cruz. “With the influx of illegal crossings at historic levels, these first responders are working around the clock to ensure the safety and security of our border communities. I am proud to join this resolution honoring our border patrol and thanking them for courageously working to secure our border.” 

“Our Southern border is an unmitigated crisis but we’ve heard nothing but lies and obfuscations from the Biden-Harris administration” said Hawley. “This administration has created a border surge unseen for almost 15 years and expect the brave men and women of the CBP to put their lives on the line to pick up the slack. We cannot continue to allow our nation’s borders to descend into lawlessness. President Biden must act now.”

Lankford recently visited the US-Mexico border in the Rio Grande Valley area as part of a delegation of 19 Senators, led by Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) and John Cornyn (R-TX). He toured a Temporary Processing Facility in Donna, Texas. Lankford visited a facility at the same location in 2019 and posted a side-by-side comparison from the trip on social media. The delegation then toured the Pharr International Bridge and concluded the day with a riverine tour of Anzalduas park with the Texas Department of Public Safety. Members spoke with the press following the end of the trip. Lankford participated in a night border tour with border patrol agents. He posted a first-hand account of watching people cross the border illegally and released into the US without a background check, COVID-19 test, or information on where they are going from the Anzalduas International Bridge. During a press conference prior to the trip, Lankford noted he went to the border to see the crisis for himself because the media has not been able to access the border like they have with the past four administrations.

On March 14, 2021, Lankford visited the Arizona-Mexico border where he saw the unfinished fencing on the border that was halted by the Biden Administration. Lankford spoke about the situation at the border on the Senate floor after his trip. Lankford joined 39 Republican senators, led by Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), in a letter to Government Accountability Office (GAO) Comptroller General Gene L. Dodaro to highlight President Joe Biden’s suspension of border wall funding and construction without lawful justification.

Lankford penned an op-ed in the Daily Caller about his visits to the border the last few years and how the changes in administrations and policies over the years have caused the situation at the southern border to continue to get worse. 


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