Senator Lankford Announces New Website

WASHINGTON, DC— Senator James Lankford (R-OK) today announced the launch of a new website. The URL address is the same:, but the design, functionality and information features are all new.
“In this new age of online technology, the website acts as a virtual office for Oklahomans to stay connected with me and what’s happening in the US Senate,” said Lankford. “The website allows individuals to request meetings, watch congressional videos, seek help with federal agency or read about legislation under consideration in the Senate. I would encourage anyone who wants to follow what’s happening in the Senate to visit my website or call my office. We are here to serve you, and technology helps us do that better.”
Among many of the changes, the website lists all of Senator Lankford’s sponsored and cosponsored legislation and his voting record in real time. The website streamlines the process for Capitol tour requests and meeting requests and it now lists YouTube videos within the website.
After serving four years in the US House of Representatives, Lankford was elected to the US Senate on November 4, 2014, to finish the remaining two years of retiring Senator Tom Corburn’s term, which will end January 2017. Lankford was sworn in as the 18th Senator from Oklahoma on January 6, 2015.

