Senator Lankford Applauds Confirmation of Scott Pruitt as EPA Administrator

WASHINGTON, DC — Senator James Lankford (R-OK) released the following statement on the confirmation of Scott Pruitt to be the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The Senate voted to confirm Pruitt by a bipartisan vote of 52 to 46: 

“Scott Pruitt will be an outstanding Administrator of the EPA. Rather than twist environmental laws to invent new powers for the EPA, Scott will enforce existing law and ensure that we protect the environment, and also protect family budgets. The federal government must improve efficiencies across agencies, especially the agency that ensures clean air, clean drinking water, and a healthy environment. Scott will do this job well, and I look forward to continuing our work together for the future of the nation as he leads the EPA.”

Senator Lankford introduced Pruitt at the beginning of his confirmation hearing before the Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works on January 18. Last night, Lankford spoke on the Senate floor in favor of Pruitt’s confirmation.

