Senator Lankford Hires Key Staffers for Military Affairs, Subcommittee Chairmanship

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator James Lankford today announced the appointment of Stephanie Halcrow as Military Legislative Assistant and John Cuaderes as Staff Director for the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs and Federal Management, which is chaired by Lankford.

“I am honored Stephanie and John have joined our team,” said Lankford. “John’s leadership on the Subcommittee will benefit Oklahomans and all Americans because of his passion for oversight. Stephanie’s impressive defense experiences are a welcome addition to our team as we seek to promote strong defense in a new era of emerging threats. They both have specific and unique qualifications that make them vastly qualified for their positions.”

Halcrow will serve as the Military Legislative Assistant.  She recently retired from the United States Air Force as the Inspector General at Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma City. Halcrow’s previous assignments include a deployment to the Middle East, legislative liaison at the Pentagon and command at Dover AFB, Delaware. Halcrow obtained a Bachelor of Science degree from the United States Air Force Academy in computer science and a Master’s in Business Administration from the Naval Postgraduate School. 

Cuaderes will serve as the Staff Director for the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs and Federal Management, chaired by Senator Lankford. He has over 28 years of experience with governmental and political affairs service on Capitol Hill as a Senior Professional Staff Member, Senior Policy Advisor, Subcommittee Staff Director and most recently the Deputy Staff Director for the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. Cuaderes is a graduate of the University of Oklahoma.

In January, Lankford was named chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs and Federal Management, which oversees the federal regulatory process and federal workforce.

