Senator Lankford: Keystone XL Pipeline Decision Not Based on Merits of the Project

OKLAHOMA CITY, OK—  Senator James Lankford (R-OK) today issued the following statement on the Obama Administration’s denial of TransCanada’s application to build the Keystone XL Pipeline:

“We finally have the ‘yes’ or ‘no’ the President could not give years ago. For seven years, the Obama Administration has delayed the application to build the Keystone Pipeline without justification. With their application pending for 2604 days, the Administration denied a simple request to build a safe pipeline to transport crude oil. The President has completely ignored the 19 crude oil cross-border pipelines currently operating in the U.S., two of which were approved last summer. The Administration has failed to make the case for how this project is different. It is clear this decision was made to appease the environmental extremists, and not based on the merits of the project.”

Lankford serves on the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development. In August, he spoke on the Senate floor to advocate for pro-growth energy policy. The speech focused on Lankford’s call for a climate and energy debate based on facts, rather than fear. 

