Senator Lankford Releases Special Video To Celebrate the Naturalization Process

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WASHINGTON, DC – Senator James Lankford (R-OK) today released a special video to recognize legal immigration and celebrate the naturalization process. The video includes remarks from Senator Lankford at a Naturalization Ceremony in Oklahoma City on June 15.

“With all of the noise surrounding illegal immigration, it’s important to remember and celebrate the millions of people who have entered our country legally and waited in line for years to complete the American naturalization process to become a citizen,” said Lankford on the release of this video. “We want to welcome immigrants who do it the right way. The United States is a very special country that is the envy of most of the world. We should welcome those who work hard, go through the legal process, and earn the right to become an American citizen.”

In Congress, Lankford has introduced several pieces of legislation on border security and immigration, including the Secure and Succeed Act and, most recently, the Keep Families Together and Enforce the Law Act. Lankford has worked with his colleagues and foreign leaders on discouraging illegal immigration from Mexico and Central America, including policies to strengthen their economies and crack down transnational criminal organizations.

Statistics in the video (source: US Citizenship and Immigration Services & American Immigration Council):

  • 7.4 million citizens have completed the American naturalization process in the last decade
  • Between 700,000 and 750,000 immigrants become legal naturalized American citizens every year
  • Last year, more than 3,600 naturalization applications were approved in Oklahoma

Senator Lankford Remarks In The Video:

  • “We’re all here to stand with fellow citizens of the United States. And Be able to say we share the same rights and the same responsibilities. We share the same privilege of being Americans and all that goes with it. And it’s truly an honor to be able to stand here with you today because you’re American. This afternoon, if you wanted apply for any job in the country, you can. You’re an American. You can buy any place. You can live anywhere. You can travel anywhere. You can go to any house of worship you choose to go to. You can change to a different religion if you’d like to. You can speak out on an issue. You can even disagree with me, though I can’t imagine you would because you’re an American. You have all those rights and privileges. But there is no country on the planet like the United States of America. We’re glad you’re a part of it with us. So let’s enjoy it together. My simple challenge is, you’ve heard what Americans are like. Now be that for your neighbors, and for your kids, and for the generation behind you, because this great American value gets carried on from one generation to the next. Be the American that you’ve always said Americans are, and enjoy living the American dream with us. God bless you. I look forward to seeing you around neighborhoods and around our community together. Welcome to America.”

