Senator Lankford Shares Story of Oklahoman Impacted by Federal Budgeting Uncertainty

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WASHINGTON, DC – During a Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Business Meeting, Senator James Lankford (R-OK) today shared a story from an Oklahoman that has been directly impacted by the Continuing Resolution (CR) which is set to expire on November 21. The business meeting was focused on discussing pending legislation before the committee, but Members also discussed the importance of moving The Prevent Government Shutdowns Act, passed out of the Committee earlier this year, which is a simple bipartisan plan led by Lankford and Senator Maggie Hassan (D-NH) that would require Members of Congress and their staff to stay in DC if all appropriations bills are not passed by both houses and signed by the President by October 1. Oklahoma is home to 45,868 federal employees.

HSGAC Chairman Ron Johnson (R-WI) also recently penned an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal in support of the bill. 


Lankford: A couple of days ago, I just want to be able to read this to you. It is very, very short. I got an email from someone in Oklahoma that…this is how she writes her email to me. She said, ‘Because Congress made a continuing resolution instead of passing a full budget this year, I’m losing my temporary job at USDA. I’ve worked here for over a year, the office still needs my help, because it’s sorely understaffed, and I’m really good at what I do. But I can’t stay on this job because the government won’t act righteously and responsibly on behalf of those it represents. Furthermore, the Continuing Resolution ends on a Thursday, the day before the pay period ends, so I won’t receive the four hours of paid vacation from that pay period, because I’m not working on Friday.”

