Senator Lankford Statement on Bombing Plot in Oklahoma City

OKLAHOMA CITY, OK – Senator James Lankford (R-OK) issued the following statement on the FBI arrest regarding a bombing plot in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: 

“I applaud the work of the FBI and local law enforcement for investigating and apprehending a man who sought to commit a terrorist act in Oklahoma City. Our intelligence community and law enforcement work every day to protect our neighborhoods from attacks and terror, and they often do it without the public ever knowing. It is chilling to think that a sympathizer of Timothy McVeigh would want to act on hate, as a tribute to the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, the deadliest terrorist attack on American soil before September 11. We’re thankful for the concerned citizens that stepped forward to alert authorities about this man. This is another somber reminder that, as a nation, we must remain vigilant about home-grown extremism and radicalization in our communities.”

Lankford serves on the Intelligence Committee and Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.

