Senator Lankford Statement on Budget Deal

WASHINGTON, DC— Senator James Lankford (R-OK) tonight made the following statement on his opposition to the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 (H.R. 1314):

“Oklahomans want to see our deficit reduced and our efficiency increased – this budget does neither. Our outrageous debt still stands at $18.5 Trillion. This Budget deal hurts the hardworking American taxpayer by perpetuating the status quo and refusing to take a single step toward balance. Oklahomans have asked over and over for serious entitlement reforms that root out fraud and protect the programs for the truly vulnerable.  This was the moment for true Social Security Disability reforms, but instead the deal provided insignificant changes that simply kick the can down the road and weaken the program for the truly disabled. Our office offered serious proposals to fix the disability program, and we will continue to push for actual reforms in the future. The federal budget is one of the most fundamental responsibilities of Congress, we can do much better than this.”

Senator Lankford delivered a floor speech today detailing the reasons behind his opposition to the bill. Also today, Lankford offered an amendment to the Budget that reforms the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program. Specifically, the amendment (#2755) would have improved the adjudication process for appeals and reconsiderations; prevented individuals from receiving SSDI who are not disabled; and ensured stronger program integrity, processing and oversight. 

