Senator Lankford Statement on President Trump’s Budget

WASHINGTON, DC – Senator James Lankford (R-OK) issued the following statement on the White House’s release of the FY2018 budget:

“The White House’s proposed FY2018 budget is the start of a long conversation on how to best fund the federal government for the next year. For years now, our nation has continued to saddle future generations with increasing debt financed by out-of-control deficit spending. I am glad to see that the Trump Administration is trying to address the nation’s long-term budget crisis with a budget proposal that balances in 10 years. Congress will now begin working with the administration to find common ground on budget priorities to provide responsible levels of funding for federal programs, while getting our fiscal house in order. While Congress will disagree on some line-items, we should work together to confront our obvious national debt problems. I encourage Congress to also focus on ways to fix the broken budget process as the current process has only worked four times since it was reformed in 1974.

“Let’s put an end to the days of continuing resolutions and massive omnibus funding bills. It’s time to fix the issue that has been before us for 43 years. I ask Congress to bring responsibility and predictability back to the system and let’s make the needed reforms so that it actually works for the American people.”

Lankford spoke on the Senate Floor on April 27 about the broken congressional budget process and the need for reform.  

