Senator Lankford Statement on Senate Failure to Cut Spending

WASHINGTON, DC – Senator James Lankford (R-OK) released the following statement on the Senate’s failure, on Wednesday, to pass a $14.8 billion rescissions package from March’s $1.3 trillion Omnibus spending bill:

“I’m very disappointed that the $15 billion rescissions proposal did not even get enough votes to be debated in the Senate. With a $21 trillion federal debt, we have got to start somewhere, and this package was a responsible proposal to enact. To address our debt problems, we must cut spending and increase revenues with a growing economy. The economy is improving, with the help of tax reform, but we now must get serious about budget reforms and spending cuts. May this be another warning shot to the Joint Select Committee on Budget and Appropriations Process Reform; we must bring a series of bold reforms to Congress to reduce our spending and bring transparency to the budget process. The taxpayers deserve better.”

