Senator Lankford Subcommittee Examines FTC and FCC Spending and Regulations

WASHINGTON, DC – Senator James Lankford (R-OK) today chaired his first hearing as the new chairman of the Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Subcommittee. The hearing examined the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) FY2019 budget requests and explored a wide range of issues, including net neutrality, rural access to broadband internet, anticompetitive mergers and business practices, consumer protections, contraband cell phones, and the Lifeline phone program. Lankford has worked with the FCC to expose and eliminate fraud within the Tribal Lifeline program

The FTC has requested $309.7 million, while the FCC has requested $333 million for its operating budget for Fiscal Year 2019. The FCC budget is funded from regulatory fees rather than taxpayer dollars, however, the use of these funds are subject to appropriations. 

“I’m grateful to chair this Subcommittee because the agencies we oversee impact the lives of millions of Americans,” said Lankford. “I look forward to collaborating with Ranking Member Chris Coons (D-DE) on our fiscal year 2019 bill and oversight of agencies to ensure they are operating effectively and spending their resources responsibly. FCC and FTC regulations impact almost all Americans and are an important catalyst for education, commerce, and public safety, therefore, it’s important that their regulations and policies allow as much marketplace innovation as possible. I look forward to continuing the dialogue to reach solutions to these and other problems facing American consumers.” 

Lankford assumed chairmanship of this subcommittee in April because of a shift in leadership due to the resignation of former Chairman Senator Thad Cochran (R-MS).

CLICK HERE to read the opening statements and view the entire hearing.

