Senator Lankford Supports Bill to Reopen Government and Provide Border Security

WASHINGTON, DC – Senator James Lankford (R-OK) today voted in favor of a proposal to reopen the rest of the federal government, provide appropriations for the remainder of the fiscal year, provide funding for border security including additional fencing and technology along the southern border, fund additional judges to hear pending immigration cases, and provide additional resources to ensure we protect UACs in US custody and directives for the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) program. The bill did not earn 60 votes in the Senate and failed to advance. Following that, Senator Lankford opposed a bill to provide a short-term continuing resolution for funding for the government through February 8, 2019, which failed to provide funding to secure our border and fund the government. That bill also failed to receive 60 votes.

“I supported the plan today to fully fund the government and make a strong investment in border security by incorporating President Trump’s border security proposal,” said Lankford. “I could not support Senator Schumer’s proposed amendment for a continuing resolution until February 8, 2019, because it failed to address border security or the DACA program and provided only short-term funding for the federal government.

“Since before the shutdown started and throughout the last 30+ days, I have remained engaged in person and on the phone with House and Senate members on both sides of the aisle, the White House, and staff to help reopen the government and provide border security as soon as possible. Since neither proposal received the 60 votes necessary to advance, Senators should stay in DC until full government funding and border security are resolved. I will remain actively engaged to reopen the government and get our federal employees paid. During the last month, there has been too much politics and not enough face-to-face negotiations.”
