Senator Lankford Supports Dr. Tom Price for Secretary of Health and Human Services

WASHINGTON, DC — Senator James Lankford (R-OK) released the following statement on the confirmation of Dr. Tom Price to serve as Secretary of Health and Human Services:

“Dr. Tom Price has spent three decades as an orthopedic surgeon and a public servant; he is uniquely qualified to lead the Department of Health and Human Services. As Chairman of the House Budget Committee and former Policy Chairman of the House of Representatives, I have seen firsthand Dr. Price’s tireless work ethic and unmatched commitment to building a better health care system for all Americans. Dr. Price is a person of character who will put the nation above politics and special interests. Oklahomans have faced a 76% increase, on top of a 35% increase, in healthcare costs the last two years, the loss of competition on our healthcare exchange, and more centralized control of our healthcare choices, rather than personalized healthcare options. We are ready for the repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act. I know Dr. Tom Price will be a great leader for the Department of Health and Human Services, and he’ll be someone who can manage a smooth transition to a better healthcare system for America.”

