Senator Lankford Supports President Trump Regulatory Executive Order

WASHINGTON, DC – Senator James Lankford released the following statement on President Trump’s executive action on regulations, issued Monday: 

“For years, too many families and small businesses have been stifled by the incredible growth of the regulatory state. It is the pace, intrusiveness, and sheer burden of regulations that has stalled job creation and economic growth. Regulatory experts have shared their stories multiple times in our Subcommittee over the past few years that not only is the rate of regulations choking the economy, but the rule-making process itself is broken and needs to include better analysis and more public input.

“Now is the time to pull back on over-burdensome federal regulations through executive actions, but we must also pursue regulatory improvements through the legislative process. Requiring agencies to identify existing regulations for repeal before they promulgate new regulations is a successful practice to ensure cumulative regulatory burden is properly controlled. Countries like Australia, Canada, Spain, Portugal and the United Kingdom have similar structures to control regulatory burden. Likewise, controlling regulatory costs through a budget is also a common practice—France, Denmark, Norway, and Italy have found this to be successful.”

Lankford chairs the Senate Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs and Federal Management. He has worked with Senator Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) to propose multiple regulatory reform bills, such as the Smarter Regulations Through Advance Planning and Review Act, the Early Participation in Regulations Act, and the Principled Rulemaking Act of 2015.

