Senator Lankford Supports Resolution to Repeal Obamacare

WASHINGTON, DC –Senator James Lankford (R-OK) today released a statement following a procedural vote to begin the process to repeal the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare:

“Oklahomans have seen first-hand the devastation caused by the impact of Obamacare. Last year, the Obama administration announced a 25 percent increase in premiums across the nation. The news for our state was much worse. Oklahoma will see a rise of 76 percent with only one health insurer to offer plans through the federal exchange in 2017, which saw 35 percent increase from the year before. This will leave Oklahomans with no choice for their healthcare and devastatingly increased costs. Today’s vote begins the legislative process to repeal the negative effects of Obamacare and implement a plan that is focused on putting control back into the hands of patients, families, and doctors. We must craft a health care replacement plan that provides a smooth transition from the current Obamacare exchange to a much stronger, more affordable and more sustainable system. It’s time to move forward to repeal and replace Obamacare. It’s time to focus on a future of a healthy America.” 

The facts on Obamacare: 

  • According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, average annual family health care premiums have increased $4,767 since 2009.
  • Nationwide, Obamacare premiums will increase by an average of 25 percent in 2017
  • Along with skyrocketing costs, in many parts of the country, Americans will have only one choice of insurer when they sign up for coverage on the public exchange.
  • The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) determined that as individuals’ income rises, Obamacare triggers higher taxes and lower insurance subsidies. The CBO predicts that by 2025, Obamacare would cause employment to drop by the equivalent of 2 million full-time workers.
  • In a 2015 International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans survey, almost 57 percent of businesses stated that the biggest Obamacare challenge they faced related to administrative burdens, while 70 percent reported that Obamacare had a “very negative” or “somewhat negative” effect on their business.

