Senator Lankford Supports Resolution to Stop SSA Overreach

WASHINGTON, DC –Senator James Lankford (R-OK) today supported a Resolution of Disapproval under the Congressional Review Act to repeal the Social Security Administration’s final rule on reporting certain individuals to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, issued during President Obama’s final days in office. Under the rule, some Social Security recipients face the loss of their Second Amendment rights without notice or due process.

“The rule provided by the Social Security Administration in the Obama Administration’s final days clearly overstepped their responsibility,” said Lankford. “The midnight regulation from the Obama Administration took away the Second Amendment rights of Americans on Social Security if they simply asked someone to help them manage their personal finances. This is an example of a lame-duck regulation that hurts American’s individual rights and sets a dangerous precedent to give unrestricted authority without due process to government bureaucrats. That is why the resolution was supported by groups as diverse as the ACLU and the NRA.”

The Congressional Review Act allows Congress to repeal any regulations finalized in the last 60 days of an administration with a disapproval resolution, also known as “midnight” regulations. The Obama Administration issued 145 “midnight” regulations, which cost 21 billion in taxpayers dollars. The House passed the congressional disapproval on February 2, 2017.

