Senator Lankford Sworn-In for 115th Congress

WASHINGTON, DC – Senator James Lankford (R-OK) was sworn-in today as a United States Senator from Oklahoma for the 115th Congress. Today’s swearing-in officially begins Lankford’s first full six-year term after being reelected on November 8, 2016

“I am incredibly grateful for the honor to represent the state of Oklahoma as one of its United States Senators,” said Lankford. “The people of Oklahoma have entrusted me to serve in this capacity on their behalf, and I hope to make all Oklahomans proud of this office for the next six years. Today’s swearing-in is symbolic for me and my family for so many reasons, but also a powerful reminder that we live in a great democratic republic that is self-governed and led by the people. Any person, including someone like me who served in ministry for 22 years, can be chosen to serve in Congress.

“This is a pivotal time for the United States of America, as our nation faces many threats and challenges. Our national security is at risk, our federal government is inefficient, debt is rising out-of-control, and our economy is sluggish. Too many families face poverty, the health care system is unaffordable, and basic freedoms are at risk. There is so much work to get done in this Congress, and I commit to serve diligently and faithfully every day.”

Lankford will continue serving on the same four committees as the previous Congress: Appropriations, Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, Intelligence, and Indian Affairs.

Before coming to the Senate, Lankford served four years in the House of Representatives as the Congressman representing Oklahoma’s fifth congressional district from January 2011 to December 2014. Lankford was elected to the Senate on November 4, 2014, to finish the remaining two years of retiring Senator Tom Coburn’s term. 

