Senator Lankford: Tax Reform Is One Step Closer To Becoming Law

WASHINGTON, DC – Senator James Lankford (R-OK) tonight made the following statement after voting in favor of the House and Senate conference agreement of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act:

“After thirty years, we finally have a tax reform bill that’s one stop away from being signed into law by the President. Over the past decade, economic growth has stalled and for the first time since World War II, America has grown around 2 percent or less. For the past year, we have worked to simplify the tax code and bring down the rates for everyone. This bill accomplishes both of those goals. This tax reform bill will put more money in people’s pockets, to spend or to save, which will help our economic health, and increase jobs, productivity, and wages for all Oklahomans. For families with very modest incomes, this bill doubles their standard deduction, doubles the child tax credit, and significantly reduces their taxes. For small, medium and large businesses, this bill will allow them to keep more of what they make to invest in new equipment, new employees, and business expansion. While no bill is perfect, this bill is a vast improvement on the current tax code.”

CLICK HERE for a summary of the latest tax bill. CLICK HERE to view Lankford’s recent interview about tax reform on CBS Face The Nation. CLICK HERE to view a December 8 floor speech from Lankford on tax reform. CLICK HERE to read a December 6 op-ed written by Lankford in support of tax reform.

