Senator Lankford Visits Police in Guthrie

OKLAHOMA CITY, OK — While in Guthrie today, Senator James Lankford (R-OK) met with the Guthrie Chief-of-Police and members of the Guthrie Police Department to discuss local security challenges and express his appreciation for their work, following the deadly ambush on police in Dallas, Texas.

“Today, I was grateful to meet with members of the Guthrie Police Department to thank them, and all law enforcement, for their work,” said Lankford. “Oklahomans grieve with the people of Dallas following the horrific ambush attack on Thursday night. During the shooting, even though the police were being shot at, they still protected the protestors in the midst of chaos. While everyone was running from the shooter, the police protected the protestors and the people. I admire that selflessness and courage. Moving forward, my hope is that America would come together to grieve this week’s loss of life, remember all the victims and their families, but then press forward as one nation.”

Senator Lankford serves on the Senate Intelligence Committee and the Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies, which has jurisdiction over federal law enforcement agencies.

