Special Report Casts Doubt on Iran Nuclear Compliance

OKLAHOMA CITY, OK – The Institute for Science and International Security issued a report today stating that Iran was not in compliance with the original Iran Nuclear Deal conditions, which were agreed to last July, when sanctions were lifted on January 16. The report shows that the Obama Administration, in coordination with the P5+1 nations, secretly exempted Iran from several of their nuclear obligations under the original deal. Senator James Lankford (R-OK) today issued the following statement on this report:

“Today’s news that Iran was not in compliance with its original obligations under the Iran Nuclear Deal when the President lifted sanctions raises serious concerns about the integrity of the deal. I introduced a resolution earlier this year that explicitly stated that sanctions should be reapplied in the event Iran violates the deal, and it turns out Iran wasn’t even in compliance when sanctions were first lifted. The American people are tired of the lack of transparency and the President’s secret deals with Iran. Whether as part of the original nuclear deal in July 2015 that allowed Iran to inspect its own nuclear sites, or when the Administration paid Iran $1.7 billion last January for American hostages, we now can see this deal was an attempt to provide Iran sanctions relief despite Iran’s failure to abide by the deal’s stated requirements.”

On July 14, Lankford and Deb Fischer (R-NE) introduced the Judgment Fund Transparency and Terrorism Financing Prevention Act, a bill to provide transparency and accountability for questionable taxpayer-funded payments to foreign nations, like Iran. On June 29, Lankford secured a provision in the State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations bill to require the Administration to provide more details on the $1.7 billion legal settlement payment to Iran in January. The legislation awaits a vote on the Senate floor later this year. On April 6, Lankford introduced a Senate resolution to ensure President Obama follows through on his commitment to reimpose sanctions if Iran violates the Nuclear Deal.

Senator Lankford serves on the Intelligence Committee, Homeland Security Committee and Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations. 

