Senator Lankford on What To Do With The Debt Ceiling? Reform It

It happens like clockwork in Washington. Every year or two when we approach the federal debt limit, countdown clocks start, doomsday scenarios are assumed, and backroom negotiations begin in earnest to prevent our country from defaulting on our obligations. The prevailing theme of debt ceiling negotiations is usually avoiding default. Lost in the conversation is how […]

The Truth About The Trade Deficit

Last month, the Trump administration issued its objectives for a renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement. There is much about the trade agreement that should be modernized, such as updated rules for e-commerce and stronger intellectual property protections. I support the president’s objective to maintain existing duty-free market access for agricultural goods, as […]

Senator Lankford in The Wall Street Journal: How to Make the Senate Work Again

James Madison explained that the Constitution’s authors considered the Senate to be the great “anchor” of the government. The upper chamber has become an anchor, but I don’t think today’s dilatory Senate is what the Founders had in mind.  Many Americans see the main issue in the Senate as the filibuster rule, the 60 vote […]

Senator Lankford in The Atlantic: Finding Unity in a Divided Washington

Several weeks ago, a routine early morning baseball practice for a charity game became the site of an unthinkable attack. Republican members of Congress were shot by a gunman who had made clear his antipathy for their party and the president who leads it.  House Majority Whip Steve Scalise suffered wounds that resulted in an […]

Repeal of FCC rule is no loss for privacy

THERE are times when the art of politics involves pretending trivial events are actually earth-shaking. That certainly seems to be the case with the reaction to a congressional vote repealing a Federal Communications Commission rule on customer privacy. As many have noted, the FCC rule had not yet taken effect, so no one lost any […]